The temperatures are heating up, the pollen starting to flow, and those uggs and mini-skirts and polos with popped-up collars are back on can only mean one thing: March Madness is upon us! Life has been actually quite busy, with much of it spent on my research. I just decided to stay here for Spring Break to work on my thesis and save some $. The budget is a bit tight these days. But I am managing to make it work and still enjoy life here.
I began training for the Rock N Roll marathon in San Diego (June 4) a few weeks ago. The runs have been pretty good thus far. I progressed to a more advanced training plan and even manage to do a couple runs with my friend Loring (who can run a sub-5 minute mile and kick my ass in anything remotely athletic or academic). has this great thing called Google (googuh) mapper that lets you track mileage on top of their normal satellite imagery. Here's a picture of an 8-mile run, round-trip, from my house along the Boulder Creek Path.

The race should be a lot of fun. My favorite big brother Stephen, Isabelle, Loring, and Aaron are all planning on running (hopefully Megan as well). I'll keep you posted on my training.
With the warmer weather, however, the powder has been lacking quite a bit in the mountains. I was at Keystone Tuesday and it reminded me of the one time I went snowboarding in Connecticut (Southington I think) in 2004...horrible. Pretty much a sheet of ice. It might snow this weekend so we'll see. Time is running out to use the rest of my 5 mountain pass. I did get to go out to Breckenridge a few weeks ago when Lauren was out here, and that was good. I did the blue-blacks pretty well.
I'll have to write about Denver Restaurant Week soon, cause who doesn't like reading more about my culinary journey here in Colorado. Two more things: 1) Watch your UConn games 2) March Madness Pub Crawl: Part Deux on March 18!!!
Torque = Force times Distance