Saturday, January 23, 2010

2010 - Time to run around

2009 was clearly an uneventful year, since there was nothing to write about, right? Well, last year, I worked, ate, ran, ate some more, bought everything there was from Crate and Barrel, and capped off the year with some more eating.

Thanks to and her great blog, I'm trying to be more accountable for my running, now that I have gotten more serious about it. I figure I can at least blog about my workouts and races, as a way to keep a record of what's going on and be accountable for training. In late 2008, I started running on a regular schedule again, but this time with a coach sending my workouts of what to do. I figured that it would get me back in shape - and it certainly has. Last year was a great first year of running regularly. I ran a handful of 5k's, a 10k, a 10-mile race, and a couple half marathons (plus a cool relay). It has been a commitment for sure, but I've managed to PR in every distance that I raced last year. I will never be a "fast" runner or win a race, but I'm definitely working on setting personal bests. The first half of the year I'm focusing on shorter distances and hopefully, if I stay healthy, I'll aim for Chicago Marathon in October.

Workouts this year have been good, considering my set back with a nasty sinus infection at the end of 09. Last week, I had a good 40+ mile week with some really tough track workouts. I managed to do some 800 repeats in 3:03. Most exciting part was that they were not all out, so I could have gone a little faster. I got in some 7-minute mile repeats on the Bear Creek Trail, which was also fun. Great long run back in Boulder this morning with Susan.

I found a 5k in February and my goal will be a 20:40. I was hoping I could dip below 20 minutes before the big 3-0, but that might be a bit ambitious.

OK, I better eat. Check out and They help keep me motivated.



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