Blogfest Dec 05
I'm back in Boston, fresh from a quick jaunt to Vegas with Megan, and now I'm extremely sick (probably due to the overconsumption of food and drink, and the lack of any sleep). But hey, what can you do.
Now, with all this time on my hands from not working on my research, I'll have more time to update my wonderful blog. And since there are only a handful of people that read this and know it exists, a personal hello to Dindy, Ke Yue, Megan, and Isabelle...Kirsten? Sup.
The past month has been filled with homework, research, consulting work, and a whole lot of all the time. Luckily, I have been able to squeeze in some time for cooking and drinking wine. Not as much running as I'd like, but it has been ridiculously cold, like it was -10 a couple weeks ago.
Come New Years 2006, my life plan will be to focus on my research, running, and cooking. We'll see how it goes. I'll keep you "posted" through my blog. HA!
I'll post some pictures from the past couple months.
Peace out. Happy Holidays everyone.